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Data: 28-feb-2012
Autori: Strano, Emanuele
Titolo: Study of the 6,7Li+64Zn collisions around the coulomb barrier
Abstract: 6Li and 7Li are two of the more weakly bounded stable nuclei in nature. Their low binding energy entails several static and dynamic effects appearing around and below the barrier for fusion. Recent articles suggested that the different structure of 6Li with respect to 7Li might heavily affect the fusion. For this reason it has been decided to study the collisions of these two isotopes with the 64Zn. The used investigation techniques are the elastic scattering measurement and the fusion cross section measurement. Since the bombarding energy are low the method used to measure the fusion cross section is the activation technique that consist of bombarding a thick target in order to measure the reaction products quantity by their own decay.
InArea 02 - Scienze fisiche

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STRMNL83E12C351D-biblio_1.pdfBibliografia161,15 kBAdobe PDFVisualizza/apri
STRMNL83E12C351D-Conclusioni_def.pdfConclusioni193,67 kBAdobe PDFVisualizza/apri
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STRMNL83E12C351D-Intro_def.pdfIntroduzione291,59 kBAdobe PDFVisualizza/apri
STRMNL83E12C351D-TitleIndex.pdfTitolo_Indice502,73 kBAdobe PDFVisualizza/apri

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