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Data: 1-feb-2013
Autori: Pietrzak, Anna
Titolo: A Low Temperature Post Production Treathment of Organic Thin Films for Photovoltaic Applications based on the application of an External Electric Field
Abstract: The purpose of this thesis is to develop our understanding of the mechanisms of film structure formation and modification of a PV applicable organic thin film; and to understand how this impacts upon the photovoltaic efficiency of an OPV device. Focus has been given to finding an alternative to high temperature treatments. In particular the use of an external electric field in absence of any post-thermal treatment has been investigated.
InArea 03 - Scienze chimiche

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PTRNNA85D48Z127F-PhD Thesis Anna Pietrzak A.pdfA Low Temperature Post Production Treathment of Organic Thin Films for Photovoltaic Applications based on the application of an External Electric Field8,08 MBAdobe PDFVisualizza/apri

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