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Data: 7-feb-2013
Autori: Sinatra, Marco Giovanni
Titolo: New strategies for the synthesis of 2D nanomaterials
Abstract: In this thesis new strategies for the synthesis of 2D nanomaterials were developed in order to improve the standard synthesis routes. In particular, Pulsed Laser Ablation in Liquids (PLAL) is used for the synthesis of MoS2 fullerene-like in pure water and the synthesis of the polyynes, employed as precursor for the growth of Carbon Nanowalls. In this case an electric field is applied to drive the growth of the building blocks on the surface of the electrodes. Moreover an exfoliation of MoS2 assisted by ultrasound and centrifugation treatments is performed in order to obtain layered materials in common solvents without contaminants. The last synthesis carried out in this thesis was the formation of nano-conductive networks made of MoSI and gold nanoparticles.
InArea 03 - Scienze chimiche

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SNTMCG84E07C351V-New strategies for the synthesis of 2D nanomaterials Marco Giovanni Sinatra.pdfPhD Thesis Marco Giovanni Sinatra27,4 MBAdobe PDFVisualizza/apri

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