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Data: 12-set-2011
Autori: Falconeri, Andrea Stefano
Titolo: L'edificio di elettrolisi dello zinco a Monteponi
Abstract: In the late seventies and early eighties, the issue of divestment, particularly concerning the areas and industrial buildings, has begun to arouse a strong interest in the scientific world, winning the mid-nineties, the focus of debate and research on the transformations of European urban areas, investing also the issue of economic and environmental regeneration of the area and the city. The words "humble area" and "building discharged" are used to define those spaces and those containers that are not used for the purposes for which they were designed and implemented and that now we can use for purposes entirely different from the original. The rehabilitation of land and buildings resigned allowed in many European and Italian cities, to reshape and redefine large portions of their local system, allowing the initiation of a restructuring of its urban structure and changing its economic base. Actions also give back to communities large portions of territory attacked and exploited, sometimes buildings of great architectural value, allow to return to the city a large margin of flexibility to the new demands of space, and represent a resource and an opportunity for rehabilitation intervention of highly structured urban areas, they represent, ultimately, a key potential economic, social and environmental transformation of urban and metropolitan. The research, which has as object of study the disposal industry, is focused on the definition of a decision support tool to identify the range of possible transformations and compatible uses that could trigger wider processes of development of the urban system and territorial.
InArea 08 - Ingegneria civile e architettura

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