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Data: 16-feb-2015
Autori: Maenza, Simone Francesco
Titolo: Integration and optimization of new technology for building integrated PV systems
Abstract: The following thesis deals with the energy production comparison between two different conversion technologies for photovoltaic systems: central-inverter conversion versus micro-inverter conversion. After an analysis over the many energy production systems, the thesis focuses on photovoltaic energy systems. The study of cell, module and system efficiencies will explain all causes of energy losses that can affect the photovoltaic energy generation. The second part of the thesis is focused on the micro-inverter technology and the differences with the central-inverter systems. Data analyses have been made on many systems in different locations (with almost the same sun radiation received), different azimuth and tilt angles, and different shading percentage. The analyses will show how micro-inverter systems can improve energy production not only during shaded but also in not-shaded conditions. At the end an economic comparison between the two different technologies will try to justify the use of micro-inverter systems not only for energy production efficiency but even for economic affordability.
InArea 09 - Ingegneria industriale e dell'informazione

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MNZSNF84P01C351H-Simone F Maenza - Scienza e Tecnologia dei Materiali XXVII Ciclo - Thesis 2014_11_26 pdf-a.pdfSimone F Maenza - Scienza e Tecnologia dei Materiali XXVII Ciclo - Thesis 2014_11_26 pdf-a4,48 MBAdobe PDFVisualizza/apri

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