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Data: 6-set-2019
Autori: Maugeri, Andrea Giuseppe
Titolo: DNA methylation landscape in retinal degenerative diseases: implications for Public Health at the crossroad between genes and diet
Abstract: The present study reveals the role of DNA methylation process in the pathophysiology of retinal degenerative diseases, exploiting a multiple integrated approach. Findings from in vitro studies uncovered how pathological features of retinal degeneration - including oxidative stress, inflammation and hyperglycaemia - modulate DNMTs and SIRT1 functions, affecting LINE-1 methylation levels in retinal cells. However, what we have seen in retinal cells differed from that observed in peripheral blood of AMD patients. Thus, further research - which takes into account genetic susceptibility - is needed to understand the mechanistic underpinnings of retinal degeneration. In addition, we proved that resveratrol and curcumin may restore DNA methylation changes which occur in cells under oxidative, inflammatory or high glucose conditions. The use of these compounds - together with the promotion of healthy diet - represent promising preventive and therapeutic approaches to tackle the increased burden of retinal degenerative diseases.
InArea 06 - Scienze mediche

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