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Data: 15-feb-2012
Autori: Cristofolini, Maurizio
Titolo: Studio epidemiologico di correlazione tra depressione maggiore, manifestazioni somatiche e modalità lavorative
Abstract: Major Depression (MD), today, is considered a very avoidant disease, so much that, in 2030, it will probably be the first condition of invalidism. In Italy, by an Istat s report of 2011, 8 millions subjects are suffering from MD (ca 12-13% in the general population). In work behavior it is possible to encounter some risk factors for MD (mobbing, night work, shift work), or deseases related to MD (job burnout, work-related stress). Moreover, some somatic symptoms (cardiovascular, respiratoy, or gastroenteric) are related to MD. In a sample of 1013 workers (706 male, 307 female), selected between public employees (nursing personnel, bus drivers, administrative personnel), by the subministration of Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), we have found this data: 172 subjects with MD (ca 17%; 138 with mild depression, 31 with moderate depression, 3 with severe depression). No evidence of determinant reason appeared by observig relationship with depression and type of working hours (day shift, night shift and no-shift), but other factors, in relationship with type of working hours (years of working activity, gender), seemed to be decisive for cause MD. Further, MD was often associated with cardiovascular (9,8%), respiratory (14,4%), and, especially, gastro-enteric symptoms (58,7%).
InArea 06 - Scienze mediche

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